Preserved fruits and New Year Wishes :)
A great year for me is ending. I have met plenty of new interesting people, discovered gems in the oddest ways and places, made some room in my heart for new kinds of love to grow and made some significant new resolutions.
I survived the world ending and I survived the end of some friendships that were once, my world. I really feel happy about the new minds I have been privileged to connect with this year. I truly hope these people stick around for a long while, but no matter what happens, all I can do is be thankful that they even crossed my path in the first place. Another eye opening year where I discovered people's true colors. I consciously decided to take a step back with certain people, some who aren't aware they are gone yet, but that's ok. That was the main reason they are gone anyways. They didn't notice, follow up, connect and respect. Like every year, I like to assess and declutter my emotional life. As I age, I understand that no one is worth chasing after. When people want to be with you, they reach out. Plain simple.
I am walking confidently into the upcoming year with hopes of fruit preservation. During the big storm we had a couple years back, my roots and seeds scattered and implanted in new areas. My life turned around and so many of my dreams bloomed. In 2013, I plan on gathering all my efforts in preserving what we harvested. I am done chasing new Love Cake ingredients. I am ready to cook with what we have in order to keep my family stable, and happy. In the end, that is all that matters.
Happy New Years Eve to all of you, my dear valuable readers, family and friends. May 2013 bring blessings and great opportunities for you and your family. Be safe. I hope you all get kissed at midnight, make a wish that comes true next year and that 2013 is filled with joy, health, happiness and simplicity. And tonight, it is perfectly acceptable to wear too much glitter. ;)
Love Cake
Welcome to Love Cake.
A blog about my observations on life and everything I love with a food analogy twist: Family, Romance, Soul Mates Stories, Parenting, Spirituality, Friendship, Relationships, Sex, Fine Arts, Movies, Girlie Stuff, Music, and nonetheless, Food and Etiquette.(Oh! And even cute animals!)
I hope you will enjoy reading me. And please friends, don't be shy to leave comments. I would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Monday, December 31, 2012
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Happy Again. --This song I wrote with Komar after I lost a friend
Vocals: Davine
Guitar: Komar

The extension of our love story
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