With my brother David |
I can't pour my thoughts on this blog without writing about my brother David. He's been a wonderful older brother, mentor, father at times, friend and even boss! He is someone who loved me before I even knew I loved him back. He always been keeping an eye on me and has been the perfect brother I could possibly dream of. In this dispensable world, my brother is that one person who is irreplaceable in my life. We expect our parents and grandparents to leave at some point, our children to take off and fly from their own wings, and our loved ones, well...with this astounding high divorce rate, we can only pray and love and nurture this precious love day by day...but my brother...he's been my lighthouse and will remain for a long time hopefully.
As a kid, I wasn't very spoiled and never had the latest toy out on the market. In fact, I hardly had any toys at all. I remember flipping through the Canadian Tire catalog and was in aw when discovering the new collection of the Cabbage Patch Kids. I really wanted that light brown haired doll with a stripped purple and white top, jeans and white sneakers. I remember begging and begging for it but it was too much my parents could afford back then, when all my relatives were also living under the same roof. I ended up settling to the idea that I would never get this doll with its signature on its behind and adorable dimples and started forgetting about it.
That next summer, my brother had his first little gig picking strawberries at an orchard. I could tell he worked hard coming from his long hours fruit picking under the sun. He would become tanner and tanner as the summer progressed and would bring home little baskets filled with freshly picked strawberries which I absolutely loved. I still remember my joy savoring those little red hearts from my brother. Then, one day, he brought a huge box home. This time, they weren't strawberries but the Cabbage Patch Kids doll I was dreaming to get. Turned out, he has saved all his summer job salary so he could purchase this doll for me. A gesture I would never forget. I love him, but even more amazing...He loves me!
All my best memories with my big brother (well, not just with him finally) involve food. I remember when I didn't want to eat my brocolis, he'd start this game of attacking my plate and stealing them from me so I would want them and it strangely worked. All these fun times attacking the brocoli serving dish, fighting for the last brocoli...Fun times. :)
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