For my precious Moon Pie :)
She has been living in this warm pink house in the suburbs I grew in and opened her home and heart to me when I was about seven or eight years old. The minute I crossed her threshold, my little kid self would be anticipating one of her signature surprises: New flavors to discover? Soap bubbles in her swimming pool? Plenty of fun arts and crafts that would occupy us for hours on her back patio? A special furry kitty to pet? (I miss that cat...Oh my was she magical). I have such fond memories of my sweet Moona ( I will call her this way since she would prefer I do not disclose her name on the internet). But the amazing thing is that she is still my Moona, even across all that geographic distance between us. I would have never expected that she would become closer to my heart, especially after I moved from Montreal to the D.C area.
She clearly wasn't just any neighbor. Dear Moona has been and still is a true source of comfort in my life. She entered my life when I was that tiny and has never left my life since. With her, I can remain as small as I want, but she will always see through my full potential and elevate me, like the moon acts on the tide. She is truly a guiding moon in my life, witnessing all miracles, hurdles, bumps and silver linings that come across my path. She is with me no matter where I go, in thoughts and prayers and she'd always know how to keep an appropriate distance when it was time for advice and crisis. Like the moon, she is there, omnipresent, but never overpowering, and I can be certain of one thing: I will never get a moon burn. She is a friend that I cherish and it is such a beautiful friendship that goes beyond race, generations, and life experiences. All those differences make our friendship so rich and magnificent. I hope she knows how much I value her. Hopefully she will know after reading this...
Thank you Moona for being there, and for being there to look over my beloved grandmother every time we were worried about her safety, while she was alone at home. You rose to the occasion, every single time and showed such care that my entire family was blown away. Your heart is pure and good. I am deeply sorry for all those times in your life you were misunderstood. Moona is a family member that I chose to have in my life. You are truly one of a kind. ♥
Love Cake
Welcome to Love Cake.
A blog about my observations on life and everything I love with a food analogy twist: Family, Romance, Soul Mates Stories, Parenting, Spirituality, Friendship, Relationships, Sex, Fine Arts, Movies, Girlie Stuff, Music, and nonetheless, Food and Etiquette.(Oh! And even cute animals!)
I hope you will enjoy reading me. And please friends, don't be shy to leave comments. I would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Ice cream parfait
I was born in 1979, but it was only in the year 2000 when I finally truly felt alive. That was the year I met Komar. The very instant I saw him, his eyes quietly told me that from that point on, I wasn't alone anymore. I was finally understood, and most amazingly, I was blessed with his unconditional love. The kind of love that we have is so special, I have a hard time finding the right words to describe it. It is magical, musical, poetic, innocent and pure yet, so strong and responsible. It is amazing to wake up every single day with such passion in our hearts to live up to what we see in each other. I believe in him. He believes in me. We support each other through every challenge and bliss that life throws at us and our love never cease to grow, day by day. Twelve years ago, I knew, and today, I still know. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He allowed me to transform, and be who I always wanted to be and will be. Nine years ago, on the same date when we first met, we got married and we promised to each other, in front of the entire world, that we would not only love each other forever, but we would love each other every day. There was not one single day, nor moment, where I didn't feel his love. I feel so grateful for this kind of love, and for the beautiful children that we have created together. I love my children unconditionally, and even more because when I look at them, I see him. Happy Anniversaries to the man I love, my best friend, truly. There is nowhere I want to be, except right by him, every day, forever. ♥ ♥ ♥
I was born in 1979, but it was only in the year 2000 when I finally truly felt alive. That was the year I met Komar. The very instant I saw him, his eyes quietly told me that from that point on, I wasn't alone anymore. I was finally understood, and most amazingly, I was blessed with his unconditional love. The kind of love that we have is so special, I have a hard time finding the right words to describe it. It is magical, musical, poetic, innocent and pure yet, so strong and responsible. It is amazing to wake up every single day with such passion in our hearts to live up to what we see in each other. I believe in him. He believes in me. We support each other through every challenge and bliss that life throws at us and our love never cease to grow, day by day. Twelve years ago, I knew, and today, I still know. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He allowed me to transform, and be who I always wanted to be and will be. Nine years ago, on the same date when we first met, we got married and we promised to each other, in front of the entire world, that we would not only love each other forever, but we would love each other every day. There was not one single day, nor moment, where I didn't feel his love. I feel so grateful for this kind of love, and for the beautiful children that we have created together. I love my children unconditionally, and even more because when I look at them, I see him. Happy Anniversaries to the man I love, my best friend, truly. There is nowhere I want to be, except right by him, every day, forever. ♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear hubby and I were having some dozy pillow talk and I asked him what his morning routine was like nowadays, since we used to have our mornings together. For his previous job, he'd wake up at eight and not leave until nine thirty but now, he's up by five thirty and gone by six. I am still snoring at that time, of course, unless I am feeding baby but I normally roll straight back to sleep.
So there he was, walking me through his morning routine, from his zombie wakening state to his Axe fragrance freshness and as a finale, he punctuated his story with, "And then, I grab my banana and leave."
Me: " Ha ha ha ha!....You walk around with a banana in your hand in the morning without a bag? (not that there is anything wrong with it)"
Him: "Yeh. That is what I do every morning, unless I forget the banana on the counter."
Me: "That's funny."
Him: " Well, the other day, I bumped into our neighbor Rob and he had TWO bananas in his hands on his way to work!"
I will admit it may come across as juvenile but I found it so amusing the image of a bunch of serious somnolent, professionally-dressed men walking around with a banana in their hands on their way to work, while it is still dark and too early in the morning. Funny not because of the possible innuendo with the banana, but just for the image itself. But then, I was always charmed seeing a man all suited up holding or biting into an apple. Go figure. Perhaps for the contrast maybe? I know if I was still in art school, that would be the theme that I would choose to paint as a final project: a canvas depicting several business attired men walking like zombies in the dark with a banana in their hands. Get the picture? *chuckles*.
Friday, June 8, 2012

Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. ~Ben Williams
Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative ~ Mordecai Siegal
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive. ~ Gilda Radner
The dog is the only animal that has seen his god. ~Author Unknown
My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am ~ Author Unknown
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~ Roger Caras
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. ~Ambrose Bierce
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. ~Author Unknown
Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies. ~Gene Hill
Sweet Roxie, our furry friend, you will be missed. I hope you will find millions of happy treats, yummy bones and larges fields to run around in dog heaven. Rest in peace little Roxie. You lived a nice long happy life and were very well loved. :*(
Monday, June 4, 2012
Ocean Spray...
I have to confess, but the very first time I heard about female ejaculation, I was mystified. No pun intended. lol
I still remember that day, when I was in my Sex Psychology class, an elective class I took in College. The teacher decided to show us a video of "La femme fontaine" and I couldn't help but browse throughout the entire class to try to guess which girls had received this gift from the Gods (or was it a curse? I wasn't too sure) depending on their reactions and body language while watching the video. It was way less awkward than actually keeping my eyes on the screen, while I was in public...I remember my Queen Victoria sighing with envy that day...
I think that was, by far, the most disturbing anatomical discovery for the curious young girl that I was. I learned that only ten percent of women were able to sprinkle across the room like an erupting geyser, but was that a true statistic? Then I started talking about it with some girlfriends and realized some of them had their own irrigation system built in. I was impressed. So impressed I had to look this phenomenon out on the internet. I thought to myself, those porn stars, they are all faking their orgasms, but the sprinkling ones, they are not. They must have fun for real! That was until one of my girls told me she and many more could just spray on command and it does not correlate to an orgasm necessarily. Fascinating, isn't it? I wonder what that liquid is made of. I probably could look it up but I'm not THAT motivated. I like to speculate it must be the same amniotic fluid that's inside the uterus when the water breaks before delivering a baby.
I still remember my guy friend telling me a few years before that, that he was having a great time with this girl until she decided to pee all over his bed sheets. I had no idea it was female ejaculation back then, so didn't he, nor she. They both were so shocked apparently. And I thought the teenage boys had it bad, having to hide their dirty laundry after a wet dream...What happens to the poor young teenage girl who wandered alone too long and turned her room into a swamp? What does she tell her parents when they see the room all flooded? The thought of this cracks me up. No pun intended again...
All these stories of girls with muscles so strong they can toss ping pong balls with their Queen Victorias, or throw darts. Well, my Queen Victoria surely does not have any talent like that. Oh, what am I saying? Of course it has talents!! It created my two magnificent sons that I love more than anything in the world. There. I have talents too. (Wait??? Did I just write my own Vagina Monologue?) . :P
I have to confess, but the very first time I heard about female ejaculation, I was mystified. No pun intended. lol
I still remember that day, when I was in my Sex Psychology class, an elective class I took in College. The teacher decided to show us a video of "La femme fontaine" and I couldn't help but browse throughout the entire class to try to guess which girls had received this gift from the Gods (or was it a curse? I wasn't too sure) depending on their reactions and body language while watching the video. It was way less awkward than actually keeping my eyes on the screen, while I was in public...I remember my Queen Victoria sighing with envy that day...
I think that was, by far, the most disturbing anatomical discovery for the curious young girl that I was. I learned that only ten percent of women were able to sprinkle across the room like an erupting geyser, but was that a true statistic? Then I started talking about it with some girlfriends and realized some of them had their own irrigation system built in. I was impressed. So impressed I had to look this phenomenon out on the internet. I thought to myself, those porn stars, they are all faking their orgasms, but the sprinkling ones, they are not. They must have fun for real! That was until one of my girls told me she and many more could just spray on command and it does not correlate to an orgasm necessarily. Fascinating, isn't it? I wonder what that liquid is made of. I probably could look it up but I'm not THAT motivated. I like to speculate it must be the same amniotic fluid that's inside the uterus when the water breaks before delivering a baby.
I still remember my guy friend telling me a few years before that, that he was having a great time with this girl until she decided to pee all over his bed sheets. I had no idea it was female ejaculation back then, so didn't he, nor she. They both were so shocked apparently. And I thought the teenage boys had it bad, having to hide their dirty laundry after a wet dream...What happens to the poor young teenage girl who wandered alone too long and turned her room into a swamp? What does she tell her parents when they see the room all flooded? The thought of this cracks me up. No pun intended again...
All these stories of girls with muscles so strong they can toss ping pong balls with their Queen Victorias, or throw darts. Well, my Queen Victoria surely does not have any talent like that. Oh, what am I saying? Of course it has talents!! It created my two magnificent sons that I love more than anything in the world. There. I have talents too. (Wait??? Did I just write my own Vagina Monologue?) . :P
Sunday, June 3, 2012
When your friends and family are surprised you can cook...
I'm a foodie who loves making people hungry. And I love making people happy. That is most likely the reason why food is my platform of choice when trying to fulfill these passions of mine. :)
I guess the answer is that everyone wants to see us in their limited world view. My friends and family know me in a certain way and it would require too much energy to open their minds and discover other aspects of me. Well, eating at someone's house doesn't mean you know what's in their fridge...
Joss Whedon's TV show Dollhouse was interesting as it treated this topic: you are someone for everyone but inside you are nothing...Well, that's what people would want you to be to them, it seems like. We find people close to us as pathetic because we see some aspects of them and we judge them for it. We don't give a chance to see the other sides or not care to see those other sides. It is apparent that I am not the only person who has been doubted so this shouldn't stop me from doing what I enjoy doing the most: making others happy in the best of my capacity.
Have you ever found your friend's parents so cool while your friends rolled their eyes in shame when their parents crack a joke or did something to get your attention? Don't we all like to feel ashamed of our closed ones in public? A total stranger on the radio would say the very same thing and we'd be rolling on the floor laughing but when it's our father...Nah. Same thing for advice. I've been repeating the same love and relationship advice to some of my girlfriends, over and over. And one day, they'd come to me all excited because someone was so insightful and told them the exact same thing I've been telling them. Just because they are strangers...(*shaking my head*). We all choose our battles. I gave up on that one. I figure, if they want to hear me out, they will. I stopped wasting my time trying to "save" them, especially if they didn't want to be least not by me. We must have become so close that I became like family to them, and that came with their inconveniences...
What annoys me the most though is when I share a new project or idea with a close friend. Instead of showing any interest in my brewing ideas, they astutely point out how I love getting attention. Good job, my friend, at stating the obvious, but can we move on to my idea I'd like to share with you and get any sort of feedback? I wonder sometimes, whenever they go to the movie theater, if they spend the entire movie being annoyed that Hollywood stars crave for constant attention, or do they actually enjoy the movie and the work those stars and crew put into making this movie. Of course I enjoy the attention, but that is not the point.
Another example of becoming too close to someone, so close they don't seem to see you anymore: The other day, I was happily sharing my candor to a friend about some positive feedback I got from this blog and all she could say was "Oh..Mkay..People have some time to spare it seems like". Another friend kept on pointing out how weird this girl from college was for commenting constantly on my Facebook. Since we weren't close back in school, but now, we interact a lot online, my friend noticed it and thought she was so strange to do that all of sudden. Why strange? Can't she like me for the same reason my friend likes me? If she is my friend, why would it be strange that someone else discovers me later on, even if it's not in person? It makes me wonder sometimes...
It is much easier to inspire people you don't know than those who believe they know everything about you. But in all fairness, I tend to raise one eyebrow too, whenever someone I know well surprises me with something I wouldn't expect, coming from them...
I'm a foodie who loves making people hungry. And I love making people happy. That is most likely the reason why food is my platform of choice when trying to fulfill these passions of mine. :)
Funny (or is it sad?) that it is the people who are the closest (or semi-closest, since my husband doesn't apply to this rule, nor some of my very dear friends), that the people who know me the most are the ones who believe the least in me...When I started this blog, it was my closest friends who doubted me with a silent (or not so silent) reaction wondering what I could possibly be writing about. I have many close friends, but I can count only two or three of them who actually visit this blog often to check for new updates. All the other ones have never read anything. They just like to assume they know everything they need to know about me already. All my most positive feedback come from complete strangers....Why is it that we would rather admire and support a complete stranger rather than someone from our circle of trusted people?
I guess the answer is that everyone wants to see us in their limited world view. My friends and family know me in a certain way and it would require too much energy to open their minds and discover other aspects of me. Well, eating at someone's house doesn't mean you know what's in their fridge...
Joss Whedon's TV show Dollhouse was interesting as it treated this topic: you are someone for everyone but inside you are nothing...Well, that's what people would want you to be to them, it seems like. We find people close to us as pathetic because we see some aspects of them and we judge them for it. We don't give a chance to see the other sides or not care to see those other sides. It is apparent that I am not the only person who has been doubted so this shouldn't stop me from doing what I enjoy doing the most: making others happy in the best of my capacity.
Have you ever found your friend's parents so cool while your friends rolled their eyes in shame when their parents crack a joke or did something to get your attention? Don't we all like to feel ashamed of our closed ones in public? A total stranger on the radio would say the very same thing and we'd be rolling on the floor laughing but when it's our father...Nah. Same thing for advice. I've been repeating the same love and relationship advice to some of my girlfriends, over and over. And one day, they'd come to me all excited because someone was so insightful and told them the exact same thing I've been telling them. Just because they are strangers...(*shaking my head*). We all choose our battles. I gave up on that one. I figure, if they want to hear me out, they will. I stopped wasting my time trying to "save" them, especially if they didn't want to be least not by me. We must have become so close that I became like family to them, and that came with their inconveniences...
What annoys me the most though is when I share a new project or idea with a close friend. Instead of showing any interest in my brewing ideas, they astutely point out how I love getting attention. Good job, my friend, at stating the obvious, but can we move on to my idea I'd like to share with you and get any sort of feedback? I wonder sometimes, whenever they go to the movie theater, if they spend the entire movie being annoyed that Hollywood stars crave for constant attention, or do they actually enjoy the movie and the work those stars and crew put into making this movie. Of course I enjoy the attention, but that is not the point.
Another example of becoming too close to someone, so close they don't seem to see you anymore: The other day, I was happily sharing my candor to a friend about some positive feedback I got from this blog and all she could say was "Oh..Mkay..People have some time to spare it seems like". Another friend kept on pointing out how weird this girl from college was for commenting constantly on my Facebook. Since we weren't close back in school, but now, we interact a lot online, my friend noticed it and thought she was so strange to do that all of sudden. Why strange? Can't she like me for the same reason my friend likes me? If she is my friend, why would it be strange that someone else discovers me later on, even if it's not in person? It makes me wonder sometimes...
It is much easier to inspire people you don't know than those who believe they know everything about you. But in all fairness, I tend to raise one eyebrow too, whenever someone I know well surprises me with something I wouldn't expect, coming from them...
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Happy Again. --This song I wrote with Komar after I lost a friend
Vocals: Davine
Guitar: Komar

The extension of our love story