A sparrow decides that it is too hard a flight to go south in the winter and refuses to migrate when the other birds leave.
Winter sets in and finally gets so bad that even the sparrow realizes he needs to head south. But he is no sooner in flight than ice forms on his wings and he falls to the ground. There on the cold, hard ground he is freezing to death until a cow comes by and flops on him. The warmth of the cow's droppings began to warm him up and he feels so good he jumps up and starts singing. The farm cat hears him and pulls him out of his messy condition, cleans him up and eats him! The morals of this story are:
[1] Not everybody who craps on you is your enemy.
[2] Not everybody who gets you out of crap is your friend.
[3] If, and when, you do get out of crap keep your mouth shut!
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