Love Cake

Welcome to Love Cake.

A blog about my observations on life and everything I love with a food analogy twist: Family, Romance, Soul Mates Stories, Parenting, Spirituality, Friendship, Relationships, Sex, Fine Arts, Movies, Girlie Stuff, Music, and nonetheless, Food and Etiquette.(Oh! And even cute animals!)

I hope you will enjoy reading me. And please friends, don't be shy to leave comments. I would love to hear your thoughts. :)



Friday, April 1, 2011

Dry Cat Food

Along pregnancy hormones come (in my case) pregnancy wicked dreams. They are getting more and more vivid and twisted at each pregnancy it seems like...

I had a terrifying "catmare" a few nights ago. I am already not a huge fan of cats to start with and break into insane hives when I'm around them too long. In that dream, I was alone in the kitchen while my son was already in bed and hubby was probably taking the trash out. It felt warm so I cracked the patio door opened to let some fresh air in when a gray "Pet Cemetery" looking cat tried to get his way in. I jerked the patio door as fast as I could to chase the cat out but killed it by accident and it dropped dead on the kitchen floor. The death of that first cat seemed to have triggered a curse and compelled all the other cats to come join it in my kitchen. In only a few minutes, my entire deck was filled with cats (mostly gray) and they all ganged up to try to force into the house. The minute they'd reach inside, they would die and pile up to the ceiling. I got so scared I woke up. How messed up and gory was that?

And I thought my other pregnancy dreams like giving birth to fifty bunny rabbits was bad...I'll take that over dead cats. I am definitely not a cat person....

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Happy Again. --This song I wrote with Komar after I lost a friend

Vocals: Davine
Guitar: Komar

The extension of our love story