They hit you hard and you're not too sure what they are until things settle down...I could only feel the pain from their impact and glimpse at a bunch of hard-shelled hairy balls that resemble pooey missiles around me. This past summer was so warm and while I felt like I was in paradise island, this coconut attack nearly paralyzed me (figure of speech). That's until you crack those nuts open and realize they are fruits from heaven with amazing virtues and rich elements...
The second half of my Summer was a true medical nightmare, hence this entire month forced hiatus on this blog. I missed writing to you but I had no strength, could not bring my thoughts together and share uplifting words. Not back then. Dealing with all this pain and fear, while being thirty weeks pregnant at the same time and trying to still be a decent mother to my sweet toddler, was the biggest challenge of my life so far. My body could take so many surgeries and I must say, five within a month was far too many.
But like I said, when life throws coconut at you, you dodge and try to make sense of it. Then, you seek for ways to exploit those coconuts. I found some cracked coconuts and realized not only hard and violent things can come out of this painful experience. Once I dig deep into the fruit, I found strength. I pride myself in my strength to overcome this journey. And I got to clearly see how wonderful my family was, how united and loving they are. Those coconuts turned from being missiles to being food for the soul. We can do so much with coconuts once we learn how to prepare it, cook with it, or even pamper yourself with it. I believe I grew stronger from this and I have much greater respect for anyone who has been hospitalized. Any life experience is only understood once we live it, just like driving and parenting I guess....
But like I said, when life throws coconut at you, you dodge and try to make sense of it. Then, you seek for ways to exploit those coconuts. I found some cracked coconuts and realized not only hard and violent things can come out of this painful experience. Once I dig deep into the fruit, I found strength. I pride myself in my strength to overcome this journey. And I got to clearly see how wonderful my family was, how united and loving they are. Those coconuts turned from being missiles to being food for the soul. We can do so much with coconuts once we learn how to prepare it, cook with it, or even pamper yourself with it. I believe I grew stronger from this and I have much greater respect for anyone who has been hospitalized. Any life experience is only understood once we live it, just like driving and parenting I guess....
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