I love how nowadays we know when everything we consume will spoil and become rancid. I know how long I have to eat all that Costco yogurt and cheese we bought. I know how long to keep my milk once it's opened and once it turns bad, so it's no surprise. It's expected.
If only relationships could come with an expiration date displayed from the start...Wouldn't we be more appreciative of what we have if we knew exactly when it would end?
I don't know if I am the only romantic one out there. So romantic that I expect ALL of my relationships to last a life time, and I make dramatic conclusions that they must have not been "meant to be" when those relationships and friendships end. Why did I think they could all last forever? Oh yeah, blame it on those cheesy charms and friendship bracelets labeled, "Friends Forever" which were so popular when I was growing up...
The truth is, friends come and go. People come and go. And even those who never leave us will end up going, us being mortals. So instead of dwelling on the lost ones, I realize now that they have reached their expiration dates probably, but I still can cherish the good times we had. Some rare relationships will last a lifetime, but it was unrealistic of me to expect or even hope to preserve all of them. Even the best ones out there can leave, depending on circumstances. It doesn't even always require a conflict for it to end. I just wished that I would know which would last and which wouldn't. Especially when I enter every new profound relationship with the willingness and eagerness to make it last a lifetime....
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