The Delicious Diet
My little cousin was around three years old when I had to watch her for a couple of hours, while I was visiting her family in the D.C area. Her mother had left dinner in the fridge for us but little Kelly didn't want to eat it and requested a grilled cheese instead. Back then, as oddly as it may sound, I never had nor made a grilled cheese before. I asked her what made a grilled cheese a grilled cheese and understood it was a simple melted cheese sandwich. My lazy teenager self didn't feel like doing extra dishes so I popped a toasted cheese sandwich in the microwave to melt the cheese. She seemed happy. It looked like a grilled cheese. She ate nearly half of it. I was proud I could take care of her and when I asked her how it was, that tiny little three year old responded : " It's not delicious". She already knew what delicious was. Tee hee hee.
I often think about that moment when I get into a food binge. I remember that little voice saying " It's not delicious" and it makes me pause, and take a look at this bite I was about to devour and ask myself " is it delicious?". Most of the time, it's good, satisfying but not to the point I would say delicious. What if I would only eat delicious things? If it's not delicious, I would just eat a little, even when I'm really hungry and truly focus on eating what is truly delicious...perhaps I would loose weight and it wouldn't really be a diet but more of a "lifestyle"...
And then, I thought about my relationships. I have many great relationships I really cherish, but sometimes, I feel like it's rather leaning on the quantity rather on quality...and quality, it all depends on point of view, expectations and definitions... Are most of my relationships purely delicious to me? Some are delicious, others are good, some old, some fresh, some stale, and not too many bitter ones but I could still munch on them all. The people are all delicious to me, but it does not mean it translates in the actual relationship. My marriage is truly delicious and now, I would love to find some magic ingredients to season my other hearty and warm relationships into something even more delicious. :)
Recipe of Friendship
Let me see if you like it or not..
Name of the dish: ‘FRIENDSHIP’.
2 table spoons of TRUST.The most essential ingredient without which the recipe is a complete failure.
1 full cup of SELFLESSNESS — The less this ingredient(which should be in liquid state) in your recipe,the more is the chance of spoiling it.
1 and a half table spoon each of CARE and AFFECTION.
1 table spoon of LOYALTY
1 table spoon each of SINCERITY and UNDERSTANDING both of which are very very important for the dish to be successful.
Take all the ingredients and pour the ingredient selflessness into it and mix it evenly and sprinkle the ingredient “I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU” all over the dish. Don't forget to use a "FUN and COMFORTABLE SILENCES" safe oven dish to bake it in.
–Dont even get SPICES like arrogance,selfishness and possessiveness in the vicinity because they are prone to spoil the recipe forever!!
TaDaaaaaa!!!!!! There you go!!
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