I am very curious about this upcoming reality show. Just wanted to share this commercial with you. Those newlywed who saved their first kiss until their wedding look like they're going to eat each other up in whole! (They look like birds who are feeding their babies) lol
Oooo the tension...
Love Cake
Welcome to Love Cake.
A blog about my observations on life and everything I love with a food analogy twist: Family, Romance, Soul Mates Stories, Parenting, Spirituality, Friendship, Relationships, Sex, Fine Arts, Movies, Girlie Stuff, Music, and nonetheless, Food and Etiquette.(Oh! And even cute animals!)
I hope you will enjoy reading me. And please friends, don't be shy to leave comments. I would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
It started with a song I wrote called Love Cake, for my dear friends who lost faith in finding True Love. Then, I decided to write Love Cake Ingredients containing my ode to my family and my love story with my husband. After an overwhelming amount of positive feedback, I started writing about everything I am passionate about. And there was Love Cake the blog.
I never thought it would turn into such a passion and that it would branch out into so many topics. I cannot believe I have been sharing my thoughts and life flavors with you all for a year already.
Thank you everyone for reading me. This means a lot. I was wondering how long this whole writing would last, but in the blink of the eye, an entire year has gone by already. I hope I will keep on finding inspiration to feed your Love Cake Apetite, stimulate your senses and make you smile. :P
Happy Anniversary Love Cake! You help me keep my sanity and capture my thoughts for my family's next generation. :)
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Saturday, November 26, 2011

I was talking with a good old friend when she asked me, "At what point did you know he fell in love you? Like, truly loved you?". How do you know?
And so I asked him. This is how our conversation went:
- When did you know you fell in love with me?
- I think when I waited for you while you were at your friend's wedding. It seemed like the longest time ever and I kept on yearning for your return. Then I knew something was brewing.
- It wasn't later when you took care of me while I had my wisdom teeth removed?
-No. I fell for you a LONG time ago. By that point, I fell for you for so long that my bones were already crushed in a huge ditch by then...like in the Grand Canyon! :P
Well, that was when I really realized he was here to stay. When I got my wisdom teeth removed, we were dating for about a year already and he flew up to Montreal to be by my side. I was at the pharmacy and my mouth was so numb, I couldn't feel I was drooling while waiting for my prescription. People were giving me weird looks but he didn't hesitate to clean me up without being disgusted. That was when I thought to myself, "Wow, he really loves me. This is so not romantic but he is willing to wipe me and still look at me like I was the cutest thing". I, then, knew we'd grow old together.
I knew I madly loved him from the day I realized I could not go by a day without talking or hearing from him. :) How about you? What is your story?
Friday, November 25, 2011

I often wonder why us humans need closure for everything. Life would be so much easier if we didn't need closure. Why is it so painful when a relationship ends abruptly or does not turn out the way we expected?
We seem to need closure as much as a baby needs to be burped. After a nice bonding time, whether that comforting milk turned sour or not, it won't sit well in the the stomach unless babies are burped. As we grow older, it seems like that need to be burped follows us all the way to our relationships...When we end a relationship with someone, the pain of losing that person does not sit well unless we throw up everything we need to say or resolve with that person, or settle with a pacific and satisfying "burp". (ok, I admit, this burping analogy is more than far fetched...but since I try to remain in a somewhat "food" theme...and of course, newborn care is so on my mind these days.... :P).
What is closure to you? We all want something different. To me, closure is when both people know why it has ended. There are no more questions to be asked and there isn't anything left to say. It is when you are comfortable as to how things ended and whether it hurts or not, you know the reason and understand it. To others, closure is leaving on good terms. I guess it all depends on the type of relationship you had with that person.
Do we ever have full closure though? Even when we end up confronting that person? So maybe in the end, we shouldn't need it so much. Everyone I know who are in pain (including me with some relationships) is because of that need for closure. I am getting better at learning to let go but it may take a lifetime to learn to be zen and really focus all my energy on more productive and enriching things. Closure is only great when both sides cooperate, but we cannot hold on to that need forever if it doesn't get resolved. We must find a way to let go and move on with our lives.
"You cannot reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday's junk".
I hope this quote inspired you. :)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This year, I am thankful for everything that happened to us, the good, the bad AND the ugly. Even though it was the worst year of my life, it ended up to be the best one as well. Without all the fear of losing our sole income, health, and sanity, we wouldn't be able to appreciate what we have as much afterwards. We must go through tumultuous storms in order to appreciate a silver lining.
I am thankful for my amazing husband who has been taking the best care of me during my medical nightmare. His sturdy hands took care of my wounds, both physical and emotional. He was my pillar, my strength. I wouldn't have been able to get through those dark clouds without him by my side. He is a true partner and I feel so blessed to have him.
I am thankful for my two wonderful healthy sons and very thankful that all the medical intervention while I was pregnant did not interfere with my newborn. He is in perfect health and I am so grateful for that.
I am thankful for my loving family and friends who knew how to keep my spirit uplifted and soothe my soul. They were loving, caring and so supportive. I knew I was well-surrounded but now, it cemented my trust in them even more. I am thankful for rough times like these that allow me to weed out fair-weather friends and those who don't mean enough in my life. Life is too short to waste it on people who don't truly value us.
I am thankful for the fear of leaving my loved ones behind. Now, I realize how much I want to live no matter what. How much I am willing to fight to preserve all the good that I currently have. It is truly an amazing life lesson.
I am thankful for change. Change is scary, but it can be for the best. In our case this year, it was a true blessing in disguise. I also got to spend the most quality time with my brother, parents and even grandmother. Without my illness, they wouldn't have flown all the way to our town to take care of me and help out with my sons. I got to build wonderful new memories, and childhood memories for my kids. I am truly thankful for those magical moments.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy this wonderful holiday with your loved ones. In the end, only one thing matters : LOVE. ♥ ♥ ♥
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Happy Again. --This song I wrote with Komar after I lost a friend
Vocals: Davine
Guitar: Komar

The extension of our love story