I don't know about you, but I'm an awful baker. I surely can cook but I will ruin my cake each time or burn myself. Despite the fact that I know in advance my cake will turn out to be a disaster, whenever I take the courage to try again, I still try to find the richest ingredients and not skim on the goodies. It ends up costing me a fortune but at least, I know I tried and, while not knowing how the cake will turn out, it has all the chances to be the most decadent gooey cake ever. I think the same thing applies to love and new relationships. I know many people who got burned in the past and go into a new relationship filled with apprehensions and restraints. They go in with a cautious mind set to a point that sometimes, they are not themselves anymore and are blinded by the fear of failure and rejection instead of savoring what's in front of them. If I put less chocolate in my recipe thinking I'd burn the cake anyways, well, for sure the cake will be bad in the end...you get where I'm going? Don't hold back on the sweets, if you want some love treats...learn to make a love cake. :)
"The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands."
- Alexandria Penney
This blog is an opportunity for me to think, write, share and exchange about my biggest passion of all...LOVE.
And there I mean, all forms of love. I don't want to write about how to find love, how to attract the opposite sex or what positions will make your partner go to nirvana type of thing. I'd like to use this platform as a real reflection about what love is, should be and what people expect from love. Oh, and how and what we recognize as love. Love from their closed ones, partner, kids, friends. How do you define love? And without forgetting love and it's evolution through time and cultures. Love has evolved but has it really?
We also focus so much about finding love but there is definitely not enough about what to do once we have found this long time seek love. How to grow it, cherish it?